Production deployment

Didmos consists of different modules (see didmos 2.0). Some of these modules are based on existing open source software with configuration and extensions provided by DAASI (e. g. the LDAP server in didmos Core or didmos Auth). Other modules are developed and shipped by DAASI (e.g. didmos LUI) . Therefore the deployment and operations model for the components is quite heterogenous.

Deployment is supported as either Docker containers or as a VM based deployment for most components with some exceptions as per the following list:

DockerVM based (Ubuntu)
Pwd Synchronizernoyes

For VM based deployment only Ubuntu 18/20 is currently supported.

Docker deployment

Docker images are provided for all components (except Pwd Synchronizer) and this is the preferred deployment model.

In order to run didmos as docker containers the following requirements must be met:

- docker:, version 20.10.0 or later
- docker-compose:, version 1.25.0 or later

A docker-compose.yml file describes the system as a whole. See the following documentation and example for didmos2-demo:

The docker-compose.yml file for individual projects might deviate from this example, as more or less components are included and configuration might be different. Furthermore a .env file must be located in the same directory which contains deployment specific variables.

On the docker host these files are usually located in either /root/docker or /opt/didmos. 

The following commands might be useful for operations:

# Start
docker-compose up -d

# Stop 
docker-compose down

# Display Status 
docker-compose ps

# Show logs of individual container
docker logs {container-name}

# Restart individual container 
docker restart {container-name}

VM based deployment

For the VM based deployment project specific Ansible roles are provided for initial setup. The general setup is documented here:

Please note that most didmos projects are extended by project specific roles for setup of extensions and project specific components. Generally these roles are also required for a full setup.

After running the initial setup via Ansible please refer to the following chapters for details on operations for each of the didmos modules:

Module specific details

didmos Core


didmos Core consists of two Docker containers:

{project-name}-openldap LDAP Metadirectory

The logs of each component can be accessed via docker logs.

docker logs {container-name}

Configuration is possible via docker environment variables (for supported parameters).

VM based

LDAP Metadirectory

The LDAP Metadirectory is installed via the Ubuntu distribution during the initial Ansible setup (i.e. apt install slapd).

It can be administered using the following commands:

systemctl {start|stop|restart|status} slapd

To start the slapd server in debug mode use this command:

/usr/local/libexec/slapd -F /usr/local/etc/slapd.d -d 1

These log levels are supported:

More information about debugging OpenLDAP can be found in the documentation: 

didmos Core API Server

The didmos Core API server is installed as a python virtual environment and deployed as a mod_wsgi app in Apache webserver. The following locations on the VM are used:

ComponentLocation in file system
Python Virtual environment/opt/didmos2coreEnv
Python application/opt/didmos2core
Configuration (Templates and default config)/opt/didmos2core/general
Configuration (Overrides)/etc/didmos/core
Apache config (mod_wsgi integration)/etc/apache2/sites-available/api-ssl.conf
Apache logs/var/log/apache2

Restarting the didmos Core API server is possible via the Apache webserver:

systemctl {start|stop|restart|status} apache2

Backups of LDAP database

The core data of a didmos system is stored in the LDAP server and therefore backups of the entire LDAP server should be done regularly.

This can be done in different ways:

  1. Full VM snapshot
  2. Backup of data folders
    1. /var/lib/ldap (mdb database)
    2. /etc/openldap/slapd.d (config)
    3. /MIGRATIONS (state of migrations)
  3. LDIF export

Note that in case of a docker deployment the folders are stored in docker volumes with the following names, which must be backed up:

didmos LUI


didmos LUI consists of the following Docker container:

In this container, the compiled frontend (Angular JavaScript app with assets like images, CSS-files etc.) is shipped using an nginx webserver. 

The logs can be accessed via docker logs (see list of general commands). Since the application itself runs as Java Script in the web browser, for debugging purposes the browser console might be more useful than the server side logs.

Configuration is possible via docker environment variables (for supported parameters).

VM based

The compiled frontend  (Angular JavaScript app with assets like images, CSS-files etc.) is located in /var/www/didmos2lui and then shipped as static files using an Apache webserver. The following locations on the VM are used:

ComponentLocation in file system
Frontend files/var/www/didmos2lui
Configuration file/var/www/didmos2lui/assets/config/environment.json
Apache config/etc/apache2/sites-available/lui-ssl.conf
Apache logs/var/log/apache2

In general, changes to the functionality always require recompiling the static files from source and then redeploying the compiled application on the VM.

didmos Auth


didmos Auth consists of the following Docker container:





MongoDB Database

In the -auth container Auth is running as a mod_wsgi application inside an Apache webserver.

The -mongo container is running a MongoDB for storage of the OIDC OP (i.e. registered clients, tokens).

The logs can be accessed via docker logs (see list of general commands).

Configuration is possible via docker environment variables (for supported parameters). For a list of general environment variables refer to didmos2 Authenticator.

VM based

didmos Auth is installed as a python virtual environment and deployed as a mod_wsgi app in Apache webserver. The following locations of the VM are used:

ComponentLocation in file system
Virtual environment (Python)/opt/didmos2auth
Apache config (mod_wsgi integration)/etc/apache2/sites-available/auth.conf
Apache logs/var/log/apache2
MongoDB logs/var/log/mongodb

Restarting didmos Auth is possible via the Apache webserver: 

systemctl {start|stop|restart|status} apache2

The application is based on Satosa and most of the configuration in /etc/satosa follows the default Satosa configuration (see

MongoDB is installed via the Ubuntu distribution during the initial Ansible setup (i.e. apt install mongodb).

The administration of MongoDB can be done using these commands:

systemctl {start|stop|restart|status} mongodb

Backups of MongoDB database

Persistent data from MongoDB should be backed up frequently, especially for the registered clients in the OIDC OP. Otherwise they have to be registered again in case of data loss.

Refer to for general backup strategies.



didmos Provisioner consists of the following Docker containers:

didmos2-rabbitmqRabbitMQ queue
{project-name}-raRequesting authority
{project-name}-xyz-workerWorker nodes, possible multiple containers for each target system

The logs can be accessed via docker logs (see list of general commands).

Configuration is possible via docker environment variables (for supported parameters).  For a list of general environment variables refer to didmos2 Provisioner.



didmos ETL consists of the following Docker container:

The data and config is mounted as docker volumes from the host system like so (the variables are defined in .env):

      - /${ETL_DATA_DIR}/:/var/didmos/:rw
      - /${ETL_CONF_DIR}/:/etc/didmos/etl/:rw

Typically the data and config directories are set as following on the host system:

The logs can be accessed via docker logs (see list of general commands).

Configuration is possible via docker environment variables (for supported parameters) but generally via files in the volume.

Pwd Synchronizer
