Versionen im Vergleich


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Didmos didmos is a software solution for Identity & Access management Management and consists of various different modules, that can be used individually for different tasks or in combination.


Various parts of the didmos software suite are have already been updated to version 2, which introduces . This includes a modern software architecture for the already existing didmos modules, as well as adding . In addition, the new version introduces completely new modules. This  This documentation covers the open source modules of these modules.


The diagram above illustrates the modules in didmos2 didmos V2 and will be updated shortly to reflect the following setup:

didmos2 consists of the following didmos V2 is made up of the following individual modules. Each module consists of a general version, which is open source and can be accessed as described below. Additionally, all modules can be extended at specific extension points to add custom functionality. A general purpose version of the frontend application (LUI) is also published as 'didmos2-demo-frontend'.

ModuleDocumentationSource codeRemarks

Consists of the following components:

  • Metadirectory (OpenLDAP)
  • Backend APIs consisting of different apps:
    • REST-based SCIP app
    • Policy Decision Point app
    • Task Management Engine app
Frontend application for communication with the REST-APIs of Core

Consists of the following components:

  • SSO proxy based on Satosa
  • MongoDB for short lived tokens

Consists of the following components:

  • Requesting Authority (RA)
  • RabbitMQ
  • Worker-Nodes with ICF-Connectors for various target systems
ETL Flow

Not yet updated to didmos2, but the didmos1 version didmos V2, didmos V1 is compatible with didmos2didmos V2
Pwd Synchronizer

Not yet updated to didmos2, but the didmos1 version didmos V2, didmos V1 is compatible with didmos2didmos V2

How to get started

In addition to the source code repositories, there 's is also a dedicated 'compose'-repository with which contains a development environment, build pipelines and deployment instructions. The general purpose version of didmos2 didmos V2 is called didmos2-demo and its compose-repository is accessible here:


Additionally, the deploy directory in the compose-repository contains information on how to run a demo version based on Docker & and Docker - Compose. This is the easiest way to setup a working environment based on our pre-built and published docker Docker images.